Entertainment Network said it is planning to file an appeal Friday either to the 7th U.S. U.S. District Court Judge John Tinder ruled that the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ policy regulating the viewing of executions did not violate Entertainment Network’s First Amendment rights. But he said Entertainment Network’s decision to charge makes the case for televising executions more difficult. Still, Entertainment Network’s quest to show an execution live on the Internet to a broad audience looks like an uphill battle. Then there’s the issue of charging for Webcasts–a move Entertainment Network says will ensure that children don’t watch. Entertainment Network (ENI), which runs Voyeurdorm and other exhibitionist sites, praised the Supreme Court’s move. While the concept of having someone watch the Web sites you visit seems invasive or exhibitionist or both, attention fans like to couch it as a way to exact control over something already being used by marketers and free sex video best Web sites every day.

A company better known for exhibitionist Web sites is suing to gain rights to Webcast the execution of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Other sites have proposed showing suicides and other disturbing acts. Blogging about deeply intimate details, posting personal photos, or even attaching a camera to your head 24 hours a day are all the norm in the world of Web 2.0. Soon, showing the world all the Web sites we’re looking at may seem routine as well. Your countless targeted side panels and so different notions get them to be highest rating live digital camera internet sites these days. Although the debate over broadcasting executions is not new, this case marks the first time an Internet company has sued for those rights. Only about 30 people are broadcasting their streams on AttenTV so far. He joined AttenTV a couple weeks ago and says he finds attention broadcasting “extremely fascinating.” He especially likes that he can see what one of his favorite bloggers, Fred Wilson–another AttenTV broadcaster–is looking at on the Web.

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